A programmer or encoder working in the PHP programming language needs the help and support it can get from the frameworks. If you are unfamiliar, the framework is a software structure that serves as programming support . You can find a lot of PHP frameworks on the net, but some are not very reliable and sometimes even ruin your entire project. That´s why we´ll introduce 7 popular PHP frameworks today.
Laravel is an open source framework that was developed already in 2012. This framework is provided free under MIT license. Laravel uses the MVC software architecture (abbreviation for model-view-controller architecture). Model = Application Data and Functions, View = Data Presentation, Controller = Manages interactions between user, model, and view. Laravel has frequently used procedures that are needed to develop a web application. Laravel is also easy to install, making it the popular framework number one.
The framework called Nette is also an open source framework that is programmed in PHP 5 and PHP 7. It focuses on eliminating security risks, supports AJAX, DRY, KISS, MVC and code re-usability. It uses programmable events and is largely based on the use of components. Framework requires PHP version 5.3.1 and higher. Nette Framework is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL and Nette licenses.
CodeIgniter (abbreviation CI) is based on the MVC architectural principle and is designed for the development of dynamic web applications. The framework was developed by EllisLab together with a large Internet community. The first public release was released in 2006. The goal of CodeIgniter is to save time and work for developers by providing a set of tools and libraries with a simple interface that solves frequent and repetitive tasks. The developer can thus concentrate on solving the assigned task, which (with the use of the functionality offered) reaches with less needed code. CI to version 2 is licensed under the Apache / BSD license, since version 3 under the MIT license.
The Application Framework Symfony is based on the MVC Design Pattern. Symphony are largely inspired by other web application frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django and Spring. Unfortunately, Symphony requires, unlike other PHP frameworks, access to the command line, which can be a problem on shared web hosts. The creation of projects, applications, modules, many settings and maintenance is done through the command line. The framework is open source, it is published under the MIT license.
Zend Framework is an open source, object-oriented, web application framework implemented in PHP 5. Zend Framework (often referred to as ZF) is developed with a view to simple web application development. It uses modular architectures that allow developers to use only those components they need. Partial dependencies between components, however, exist. ZF includes components for MVC applications, authorization and authentication, implements various kinds of caches, filters and validators for user data, language components, and many more. It began to be developed in early 2005. Zend is licensed under New BSD license.
The framework, which is named Phalcon, is based on the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. Unlike most PHP frameworks, Phalcon is implemented as a web server extension written in Zephir and C, aiming to boost execution speed, reduce resource usage, and handle more HTTP requests per second than comparable frameworks written primarily in PHP. One disadvantage of this approach is that root / administrative access is required on the server to install Phalcon by building a custom binary or using a precompiled one. Phalcon has been in place since 2012 and is licensed under BSD License.
CakePHP, a web application development framework based on PHP 4/5. It was created in 2005 in response to the success of Ruby on Rails. CakePHP, however, is not just a Ruby on Rails port, although it implements many useful properties of Rails. The whole system is based on the MVC pattern. CakePHP uses well-known software engineeringconcepts and software design patterns such as convention over configuration, model-view-controller, active record, association data mapping, and front controller. The entire framework is open source and licensed by MIT License.